Digital Mobile Radio
  • Why do we need two way radios at important events?
    Why do we need two way radios at important events? on June 20,2023.
        Public network radio is the use of operators of the wireless data network as a transmission channel to achieve the functions of the traditional radio, outstanding advantages, it is not limited by distance, as long as there is a carrier signal can be called through, can be nationwide or even global.     Public network radio usually contains the following parts: public network radio terminal (two way radio), mobile data card, platform account, and platform server. Public network radio has three main advantages: first, wide coverage, almost no distance limit; The second is low cost, using the public network, saving costs; Third, it can also transmit video images, through the on-site scheduling command of the two way radio, effectively ensure the operation of the activity, so that the commander of the activity site can understand the activity site at a glance, can deal with all emergencies, and effectively ensure the smooth progress of the activity.     Large events can consider the use of portable and compact radios. Voice anti-interference ability is good, electric resistance, voice control launch free hands and other functions. Nowadays, a distinctive feature of modern large-scale performance activities is that the scale is huge, there are many performances and technical departments participating, the command and coordination relationship is complex, and the call volume is large. The function, reliability and real-time requirements of the communication system have been greatly improved than in the past. It is necessary to establish a communication command and dispatch system with high technology, high standard, high reliability, high efficiency, high security and complete functions.     Take performance activities as an example, the internal communication system of large-scale performance activities needs to be guaranteed in many aspects, including the general command system of the chief director and the executive director, the internal communication system of the technical, production, performance and logistics teams, the command system of the general command system to the technical, production and performance departments, and the broadcast system of the actors. A comprehensive platform involving wired systems, wireless systems and broadcast systems. Therefore, the common practice is to use a matrix calling system that can integrate wired and wireless systems as the basis.     Among them, each wired and wireless sub-system accesses the call matrix through different interfaces and interface devices, and manages the cross-connection relationship of each input and output port of the control matrix through a computer. The matrix system is a four-wire system, which generally sets up a master matrix to manage the main wired and wireless interfaces. In order to ensure the reliability of the system, the redundant design of double fiber ring network must be adopted in the multi-matrix design, which has...
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  • Is 10W two way radio really good?
    Is 10W two way radio really good? on June 19,2023.
    Nowadays, there are many claims of 8W, 10W two way radios, saying that its power is large and the communication distance is far. As everyone knows, the radiation value of 10W radios is 20 times that of mobile phones. And there are still many online and offline stores to sell this kind of high-power radiation exceeded the radio, sales are still good. If you have purchased this kind of radio, be sure to understand what harm the use of radiation exceeded the standard radio has. The radiation value of our commonly used mobile phones is still within the normal range, but if the radiation increases 20 times, it has exceeded the normal value, we still dare to use it every day? In the same way, the radiation of 12W and 15W radios will be higher. After the long-term use of radio with excessive radiation, even a healthy body will get worse because the body will be exposed to high radiation for a long time. Moreover, there are many facts that long-term exposure to radiation can cause pituitary dysfunction and many other nerve irritations. These changes eventually affect the entire body, causing a range of adverse symptoms. So how do we buy a regular brand radio? 1. The state regulations: wireless handheld radio maximum power is not allowed to exceed 5W. Remember this, regular radio manufacturers can not produce more than 5W radio.         2. Correctly query the code on the radio model approval certificate. The approval code of the radio is issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the State, only the radio that meets the national standard will have, the approval code will be hit on the back plane of the machine at the factory, and the radio that has the approval code can pass the inspection of the machine without the committee. So, everyone will think 10W high power radio good? When we buy radios, we must remember that we can not only see the advantages of high power and long communication distance promoted by businesses, while ignoring its security issues.
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  • The advantages of two way radio
    The advantages of two way radio on June 16,2023.
        In recent years, with the continuous innovation and development of wireless communication technology and the rapid rise of users' demand for two way radio experience, the basic voice communication function achieved by traditional analog radios has long been unable to meet the increasingly rich user needs. Compared with analog radios, digital rsdios have many performance advantages. It can help significantly improve the reliability, flexibility and intelligence of users' wireless communications.       First: The most obvious advantage of digital radios is that they can comprehensively improve the efficiency of frequency utilization, so as to meet the needs of more users. When the channel interval is adjusted from 25kHz to 12.5kHz, the frequency utilization rate of the radio is doubled, and the digital radio using TDMA technology carries 2 Tone channels in one channel, which makes the channel capacity four times as a whole.       Secend: Compared with analog radios, the error correction technology of digital radios improves the effective communication distance and voice clarity of the radios, and the digital processing technology of digital radios also effectively inhibits background noise; Enable users to have a better call experience.       Third: While providing unparalleled high-quality voice calls, digital systems can also bring users more privacy, with up to 16 million user ID codes and digital voice, digital systems achieve better private call functions;       Fourth: In terms of management and scheduling, single-call, group call and full call functions have significantly improved the efficiency of group call scheduling management, while many digital applications such as GPS and messagehave also changed the traditional command and scheduling methods to varying degrees, making the wireless communication between teams more flexible and convenient.       Fifth: In addition, the use of TDMA can also save enterprises in equipment investment, and extend the use of battery time. In the past, the emergence of new technologies has a huge impact on enterprise operations and IT budgets, and digital radios compatible with analog technology will help enterprises smoothly through the transition period of "mode revolution" and maximize the savings of enterprise equipment investment. At the same time, the increase of channel capacity also significantly reduces the cost of enterprise hardware investment. On the other hand, the TDMA digital system divides the power-consumption transmission into two independent time slots, and compared with the analog system of the same power, each transmission only uses half of the battery power, thus extending the overall battery time of the two way radio by 40%.       In addition to the digital radio features listed above, digital communication systems and solutions can also effectively expand the range of communication a...
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  • How does hotel staff choose two way radio?
    How does hotel staff choose two way radio? on June 14,2023.
     The hotel radio is a commercial radio, which generally refers to the digital radio used in commercial markets such as shopping malls, hotels, supermarkets and tourism. Commercial radios generally have the characteristics of small and portable size, high clarity, good call quality, etc., so what performance parameters do you need to know about the specific purchase of commercial radios? The following points can be used for reference. First, the size of the power: commercial radios used to refer to the transmission power of 0.5-5W, the frequency range of 400-480MHz radios, with the development of society, the current commercial radios. The frequency range of 5W to 7W is mostly concentrated between 400-470MHz. This kind of radio calls between 800 meters and 8 kilometers (depending on the size of the transmission power of the two way radio and the specific environment). Second, the size of the volume and appearance: the commercial two way radio is lightweight and beautiful, and the two way radio is tied to the waist through the belt clip of the two way radio, and the headset can free the hands to improve the work efficiency. Third, the level of price: the price of commercial two way radios is relatively high as that of professional radios, generally used in shopping malls, supermarkets, retail, factories, manufacturing. To be clear, commercial two way radios are relatively better quality, and the price is slightly higher than ordinary two way radios. Fourth, the characteristics of the use of places: commercial radios, according to its use of places, mainly used in the call sound quality and quality requirements of the high commercial environment, such as shopping malls, hotels,KTV, or large construction projects, construction sites. Fifth, typical representative brand: typical commercial walkie-talkie, from the actual cost performance point of view, most of the requirements for high cost performance, choose domestic digital radio opportunities, after all, the higher the cost performance, the more we like. Sixth, economy and fast: two way radios do not generate costs to talk to each other, reduce communication costs, improve hotel profits, improve customer service, and win competitive advantages; Listen when you call during the call, realize instant communication, and eliminate call waiting time. Seventh, security: It meets the high security needs of the hotel, responds quickly to emergencies, improves personal safety, and keeps in touch with people in potentially dangerous environments. Eighth,control management: Coordinate hotel management resources, strengthen team control ability, and provide the most convenient tools for hotel managers.
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  • How to make your two way radio more durable?
    How to make your two way radio more durable? on June 12,2023.
    Many users will find that after the two way radio is used for a period of time, the service life of the two way radio is constantly shortened, and many users will replace the battery to improve its durability and extend its service life, but most users ignore that the charger is also an important factor that harms the service life of the two way radio. Why does the charger harm the service life of the two way radio? How should we maintain the charger to extend the service life of the two way radio? First of all, the radio charger is to ensure the source of the battery power, as the accessories products of two way radio, the reasonable use of the two way radio charger is related to the service life of the charger. The charger of the general two way radio can be divided into direct and desktop charger. The 220 AC voltage is converted into direct current suitable for charging the two way radio battery, which is fed into the two way radio and depressurized to the battery by the power circuit of the two way radio. The charger is directly connected to the battery, and the voltage is converted into the required voltage for the battery to use, and there will be distribution when the two way radio is purchased. To use the charger, please select the original charger. If the charging power circuit in the charger is of poor quality, there will be  latent dangers of charging, and at the same time, it will also endanger the safety and service life of the two way radio. At the same time, you should be paid to maintenance in daily life, otherwise the service life of the charging dock will be greatly reduced. The maintenance steps are as follows: (1) Clean on time: clean the charger and charging interface on time. When cleaning, use antistatic cloth, do not use dry cloth (electrostatic charge). (2) waterproof and moisture-proof: As an electronic device, accidental water seepage or exposure to humid air when not used for a long time will produce different degrees of erosion or oxidation of its internal electronic components. (3) Anti-fall and shock-proof: the charger is actually a sensitive part, and the internal components can not withstand the fall. In particular, it is necessary to avoid accidentally landing during the operation. Do not throw or tap the charger. Handling the charger roughly can damage the internal circuit board. (4) Prevent cold and heat. Do not put the charger in a place where the temperature is too high, high temperature will shorten the service life of electronic devices, damage the charger, so that some plastic parts appear deformed or molten, can not store the charger in a low temperature place, when the charger works in a low temperature environment, when the internal temperature rises, the charger will produce moisture, damage the circuit board. (5) Anti-strong chemicals: do not use strong chemicals, cleaning agents or strong detergent to clean the charger, clean the charger appearance dirt can be wiped with cotton with a small amou...
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  • How to choose two way radio between UHF and VHF?
    How to choose two way radio between UHF and VHF? on June 9,2023.
        The communication distance of the two way radio is related to the environment of use. The electromagnetic wave length of the UHF or VHF section machine is not the same, the loss of transmission is not the same, there are more buildings in the town, and the use of two way radio of UHF is relatively better in this environment; If the environment is relatively empty, such as the sea, the wilderness, etc., the two way radio ofVHF is relatively good. What is the difference between UHF snd VHF?     UHF and VHF of the radio, and the frequency range of the UHF is usually 400-470MHz; The frequency range of the VHF is usually 136-174 MHZ.     2, in the atmospheric environment or occasion of potential explosion, you must turn off the two way radio.     Because in a potentially explosive atmospheric environment, electrical sparks can cause the two way radio to explode or fire.     3. Do not replace and remove batteries or charge two way radios in potentially explosive atmospheric environments     Because when installing and removing the battery or charging the two way radio, it may cause contact sparks and cause an explosion.
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  • How to use the two way radio correctly?
    How to use the two way radio correctly? on June 7,2023.
    (1) matching. First in the use of two way radio, by long press the PTT key on the side of the radio boot, and then  set  radio you need  to use into the same number, when the frequency  at the same chennel two walkie-talkies can be used. In the case of not shutting down, with any two way radio transmission signal, can be heard in another radio, thus achieving the first step of the call; (2)  single call. When using the  two way radio to talk to each other, you need to hold down the call button on the two way radio to achieve the call. After the message is delivered, you can release the button and wait for the other person to answer. At this time, if the other party answers, we will hear the other party's reply from the two way radio.  In addition, pay attention to adjust the volume during the call to ensure that the conversation is clear and accurate; (3) group call. Two way radios not only can two people talk to each other, but also can achieve group call. The use of group call is also the same as the use of two people. First of all, the two way radio will be turned on, and then the frequency of each two way radio involved will be adjusted to the same.
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  • What is CTCSS?
    What is CTCSS? on June 5,2023.
        CTCSS is generally divided into CTCSS and DCS. So what is CTCSS? In radio communication, CTCSS is used to reduce the interference of oneself to receive calls from other customers.     What is CTCSS? The full name of analog subtone CTCSS is Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System, a technique for attached frequencies below the audio frequency (67Hz-257Hz) that are transmitted together in an audio signal. When CTCSS is enabled, the station will attach the CTCSS signal to the normal audio signal and transmit it together. The frequency of the CTCSS is not recognized by the human ear, but the repeater can recognize it. This allows the repeater to accept only the audio signal with a CTCSS signal and not the signal without a CTCSS, thus preventing interference. In addition to the fact that the transmitting subtone of the two way radio must be the same as the receiving CTCSS of the trunk when connecting to the trunk, the subtone has other functions. In fact, when it comes to relaying, it may not be easy for beginners to understand, but let's go straight to direct mode here. In direct mode, two interphones are directly connected without trunks. At the same time, CTCSS (DCS) has the function of selecting calls, using continuous single audio encoding (digital encoding) to select calls, and always simultaneously with the transmission of voice signals is the most effective way to select calls. As long as the main call press PTT, it can make a group call or a all call. When the intercom call is over, there is no need to press a button to hang up. It is much simpler, more convenient and faster than DTMF.      CTCSS in repeater stations Subaudio is commonly used in relay communication and subaudio packet communication. As the main equipment of long-distance communication - base station, its receiving frequency is easily subject to some interference, such as harmonic interference, illegal users outside the network interference and so on. In order to ensure the normal operation of radio communication, it is necessary to set a threshold for the receiving frequency of the base station to intercept useless signals, such as the above mentioned subaudio threshold.  What is   DCS? CTCSS is an analog system.A supplier developed what became the digital coded squelch (DCS) system, also known as the digital Private Line (DPL). The generic name is CDCSS (Continuous Numerically coded Squelch System). CTCSS and DCS are also known by other names, including CDCSS, P, and DPL, but the formal terms are CTCSS and DCS. They both have the same function and work in a similar way.     Despite the CTCSS, it can actually be heard, especially if the subtone is set at the high limit (around 250Hz), or if the low frequency response of the receiver is better. Therefore, when we set the CTCSS, we try to set it as low as possible to avoid unnecessary interference. Another subtone is DCS(Digital Coded Squelch), which is a CDCSS. It ha...
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  • The three main applicable groups of two way radio
    The three main applicable groups of two way radio on June 3,2023.
        Two way radios have been invented for nearly a century. According to the order of debut, two way radio is almost half a century earlier than mobile phone, but when it comes to the changes of two way radio in this century, I am afraid it is not obvious, apart from calling function, and today's mobile phone, but almost omnipotent, taking photos, listening to music, playing games and watching movies, even master the function of two way radio to some extent. So the question is, who uses two way radios now that cell phones are so good? The following informations for you to introduce in detail:   1. outdoor lovers: travelers and car lovers       They say there are three treasures in the outdoors: a tent, a compass and a two way radio. It is a testament to the popularity of two way radios in outdoor circles that more and more travelers choose to equip themselves with a two way radio, especially for those who wants to travel alone, who would rather not carry a mobile phone than carry a two way radio.      And the car friends are even crazier, handheld radio, mobile radio, all available, the team of advance and response, at any time to report the position, to ensure that never left behind. Maybe some peoples will have some questions, mobile phones can also contact each other ah, why to take two way radio without mobile phone? Cell phones and two way radios work differently. Cell phones rely on a network of base stations to function. In areas where the signal is erratic, the phone will be your dumb teammate, ready to strike and turn into a brick. In contrast, the two way radio as long as ensure sufficient power is basically worry-free, is not more reliable.   2.employees engaged in production and service       The big difference between a two way radio and a mobile phone is that a mobile phone is a tool of life, while a two way radio is a tool of production. Most commercial or government users buy a push-to-talk system and use it as a tool of production, just as they buy computers, vehicles and uniforms for their employees. Especially in factories, construction sites, sea transportation and other frequently need to conduct scheduling, communication in the work scene, two way radio is essential. 3. military, police and public security personnel       Two way radios were born in the era of war, so it is inevitable that they were first put into the battlefield use, and in the war many remarkable achievements of the two way radios are not few, so that friendly forces to make early preparedness or targeted strikes .        Until now, two way radios have remained standard in the military and are required to be military-grade compared to other two way radios. And in the real life scene, the security of the building, the police patrol, seems to be inseparable from the two way radio.
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  • What is a two way radio?
    What is a two way radio? on June 2,2023.
        Two way radio is a wireless motor consisting of a transmitter and a receiver. Like a mobile phone, it can talk to distant objects through it. Because the complex terminal of the same channel can receive signals at the same time, it is widely used in the construction site where one-to-many communication is needed. Maybe some people think that since they are talking on the phone, they can use the mobile phone; But there are other advantages, such as instantaneous operation without the need to enter a phone number, which simplifies the communication process and improves efficiency.      In addition, except for some models, two way radios can also communicate outside the cell phone's service area. It can be used even in desolate mountains, where radio waves cannot reach, or in areas where lines are congested during disasters, and it is not necessary to pay for mobile phones because it does not use telephone lines. The key points of two way radio purchase will first explain one by one the key points of two way radio purchase. The types of two way radios can be divided into several types. The communication distance and license requirements vary. You are advised to make a preliminary selection based on the purpose of use. Low power type: License free, suitable for general simple use     Amateur low power two way radios have an effective radiated power of less than 1W. They can be used without a license and are usually relatively affordable and easy to use. However, its communication distance is short, up to 500 meters, and when it is used in the house, it may cause unstable communication through the wall, so it is only recommended for simple situations such as ordinary activities. Amateur model: can be used in large-scale activities     The transmitting power of this kind of two way radio is about 5W at most, and the distance can reach about 5km, which is much more than the low-power radio mentioned above. It can be used in a wide range of stable communication, so it is very convenient to use both indoors and outdoors. On the other hand, such products usually have larger body sizes and consume power faster, and they also require a license to use.      Network radio: Just like a mobile phone, it is not limited by distance If you don't want to be limited by the distance of communication, the network radio may be a good choice, as long as the phone service area, anywhere.      Moreover, the machines, which use lines from various telecoms companies, are generally cheap, have relatively long battery life, and are light and do not require a license, making them easy for anyone to use. However, when the phone is outside the service area, it cannot be used due to lack of signal. If the line is clogged due to disasters, it will be affected as well as mobile phones. And like 3G radios, when the company stopped the service will also be unable to use, compared with the other two types, d...
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